Message from Ms Moira Kelly AO Spokesperson and Founder – Global Gardens of Peace

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]On behalf of Global Gardens of Peace, it is with great sadness that we witness the current effects of warfare in Gaza and the impact it has on its families and children. Our deepest sympathies go to all the families who have suffered losses of their loved ones and our prayers are with those who are injured and are suffering on a daily basis in the Middle East.

Our organisation was set up for the children and their families in all parts of the world as a beacon of hope for better days to come and they will come. We remain determined and in fact have even more resolve to ensure that our garden of peace will take place whether it takes one year or three years in Khan Younis. This is our promise to the people of Gaza and the people of Palestine all over the world.

In times of need when they feel alone and without help, we want them to know that the Australian people are thinking of them and will not walk away. Our concern is neither with the political agenda nor religion.

At Global Gardens of Peace, we believe that it is the natural birthright of children around the world to express themselves, explore and play in a safe, peaceful and nature based environment.

A garden with nature – based play and community gardens is a catalyst for healing, interaction, respect and harmony. It also provides the opportunity for rebuilding, education and employment for the whole community.

Our common goal and legacy, which unites us, is for humanity and peace.

Together we stand firm.

We continue to thank all our supporters for your ongoing support.


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