[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Our director Louise Ward is all about making a difference to the lives of people in need both in Australia and overseas.
She is working closely with Moira Kelly AO as a board member of Global Gardens of Peace – an apolitical, non-religious Australian charity founded by Moira that builds gardens of hope for children and their families who have suffered as a result of war and natural disasters.
Global Gardens of Peace, believe that it is the natural birthright of children around the world to express themselves, explore and play safe, in a peaceful nature based environment.
Louise and the GGOP board made a recent trip to Gaza to see the progress of this amazing initiative and also meet some of the key players on the ground in Gaza and, of course, the people who live there. When we asked Louise what were 3 highlights of her trip she very enthusiastically said:
- The people of Gaza – who despite living under very tough circumstances always remained optimistic about the future and passionate to see this project come to reality and make a difference to lives of children and families.
- Hearing from the Palestinian Prime Minister Dr Rami Hamdallah that Global Gardens of Peace is a NUMBER ONE Priority for the people of GAZA, and
- The excitement at seeing the land and planting the first tree. To quote Louise, “it was very moving and inspirational to see the beginning of something transformational coming to fruition before our eyes”
This project is very exciting and if you would like to support Global Gardens of Peace either through your time or financially please go to : http://www.globalgardensofpeace.org/